Monday, July 31, 2006

of MGs and CBs

tsk tsk, love can't just be a teeny-bopper flick.

the previous week passed with a brief discussion of the contents of these webpages:

they speak of the most objectifying identity for a person who just wants to share a part of himself -- cuddlebitch and meantime girl. teen flicks from students and even from those who are way behind their teeny-bopper years allowed me to be pretty much oriented about the concept, and twas a just a week or two when ive encountered things that are scholarly and emotionally written about them. but, (well, everyone can blame it on my naivete) it is quite recent when i learned that somebody close to me had just been one. prolly due to over-empathy (and paranoia, over-intuition that is), i was able to carry the bad feeling for the entire week. and well, this grouchy disposition was piled up by an overflow of readings from kierkegaard.

i must say that part of the slump is the fear of being one. it does not speak of any predicament related to mine (knock on wood, pwera usog hehehe), but this serves as a word of caution. i just wish that men can finally learn to find real worth in correct persons. for MGs and CBs, it would be best to find their own worth first and foremost. love is indeed an affirmation of worth in time -- there will always be a threat of temporality, but each day of proving another person's worth by virtue of your own worth can convert meantime to forever. if you're truly good (as evident in your actions), you are indeed and will be known to be good. however, people forget that goodness is not a matter of whim, it is an inherent quality that is being actualized. to be good is not just to be cute, entertaining and interesting. yes, even a thief insofar as he is a man is good, but he needs to correct his crookedness so that he can at least say to himself that he is good.

love is always towards a good, a worth known through the truth -- that can never be discovered without an authentic experience. good is not an abstract, it is a value dropped by the experience of light -- felt by sensitive and heartfelt eyes. The One remains only in the level of the abstract that can just be a futile dream, since there could always be a Better One in the authenticating realm of experience. We do not wait for the One, we strive to be the One. There could be times when we feel that s/he does not come because we are focused on the waiting part.

being an MG or a CB is a threat, but it cannot happen until one deliberately allows. for those who thought that they've been one, there's still a lot of time to find your worth, and to find a worthy one. to those who have made an MG/CB out of one, in case you've already found their real worth; there is perhaps a way to reclaim.

there must be lots of filth in cyberspace, but ive found a good response to this issue:

Make "someday" TODAY. Who told you this crap that you've no hope to be come "Ms. Right," so you might as well settle for "Ms. Right Now?" It's not about him.
It's about you. For as long as you accept a meantime life, you'll ALWAYS be
the Meantime Girl.
now that was a blunt way of putting it. well, here's something for my good friend (lotsa hugs to you and your angel) -- you have somebody to fight for, two worths to affirm, yours and his. yun na muna.
