here's a struggle to understand
i've always thought of it as a detour that could just spice up my life,
until i learned how to embrace it as a necessary part of me. escaping from the detour had always been an option (and is still an option), but the One who gave it to me would always seem to find a way to make me stay. yes, He does it in a manner that I am the one who chooses to stay, with the thought that there's no other option but to stay.
definitely then this is not a detour. it already went deep, incomparably deep and strong -- perhaps far beyond what time can give.
Lord, give me the mind to understand, give me the heart to be stronger.

definitely then this is not a detour. it already went deep, incomparably deep and strong -- perhaps far beyond what time can give.
Lord, give me the mind to understand, give me the heart to be stronger.