Sunday, September 24, 2006

little wonderful things about the accreditation

i was the sole hands-on accreditation laborer on philosophy's end, thus i think i deserve to write this entry, hehehe.

sure, i tired myself off for that event albeit my disbelief of its credibility. (1) it was quite obvious that two (or i must say, two and half) out of the four accreditors knew so little about the rigour of philosophy as a degree program. (2) and just as how everyone in AB would assess, the exhibit is exceedingly overwhelming (thanks to sir ferdie's prodding). PHILO, LIT, ECO and LM will definitely gonna make it to level three.

admittedly, it was not a futile job. now i shall look at the brighter side. personally, this proves that hardwork reaps a lot of blessings. most of the time, they are living gifts, and so allow me to thank them:

* my students -- i gotta thank these kids for helping us out. they kept me up for the entire week. they were the reasons why i never escaped from work. thanks for being so cooperative and i apologize for the li'l terrorisms. (to my 4phl and 3phl kids, we'll see if i can grant your Chicken Alfredo request -- actually si gozi ang particular about this, but i definitely owe all of you)
* the computer room team -- ma'am lea, sir jeff and ma'am dors for introducing me to this wonderful "freedom room", for making me appreciate Black Eyed Peas and Pussycat dolls even just for that time.
* ma'am dors (yea, you must have an exclusive item) for the reassuring hugs. (awwww...)
* ma'am vivian -- sure, we get strength from each other's hugs... i really did appreciate that.
* kuya jose -- for the styro that i "stole".. bati na tayo ha... =)
* sir/ma'am ferdie and mommy mel -- for understanding me if i need to make a "flying trapeze", and for a weeklong of vocabulary-enriching experience.
* sir bong -- for the lunchtime lectures, and for the "no frontiers" evening.
* to a friend, for the library photos.
* to another good friend who has been a constant buffer for my every incapability.

thanks. sobra.

OFF-TOPIC: sana manalo ang uste mamaya. bow.
(1) level to be given by PACUCOA is irrelevant to CHED's discernment for a COE. there is no direct relation and significance about being COE and accredited as level three, and for philo it is COE that matters most.
(2) i am giving it though to the one in charge of Faculty and Instruction. She knows her stuff.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

miss, pwede pong blog na lang yung sa philosophical journal? mdame po kasi kaming me nagboblog na philosophical po yung laman. . .

3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

miss, pwede pong blog na lang for our philo. journal? me ilan po kasi kaming nagboblog na philosophical po yung mga entries e. :)

3:14 PM  
Blogger l'etre pour Autrui said...

i need the notebook. pwede niyo naman g ilagay din sa blog pag gusto niyo. not everyone has an easy access to internet.

sorry folks, pero dapat notebook. =)

9:15 PM  

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