not really into photog, am just always given the task to shoot photos during family events. however, i oftentimes end up shooting things than people. (y'see, it couldn't just be everyone's faces)
although i couldn't discount the fact that there are some people who taught me the "basics" - eina, raiz, dean, thanks much.
yep! here goes... di ako pro, di rin enthusiast, praktis lang yan ha. hehehe.
calasiao (pangasinan) belltower, 1 october 2005, during pax romana's annual pilgrimage, reminds me of a favorite subject -- the barasoain (bulacan) belltower that i photographed twice during our highschool fieldtrips (on separate schoolyears, first and fourth year ata). too bad, i wasnt able to save a copy, they were both submitted as part of a group project in social studies. i'll prolly have more belltower photos by october, may pilgrimage uli eh, hehehe.
las pinas, december 2005, while being bored in the reception of a cousin's christening
from pansol sometime in april 2006, during a class outing with 2phl, akala ko sira yung flash ng gigicam yun pala sobra nang masilaw yung araw, heheheh.
all of these through canon powershot a400 gigicam.
just putting every trigger happy mode to good use! =)
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